Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Boring wednesday afternoon...

Adya got married on the 3rd. Yogesh and Mamata were here from hyderabad. Gotya was all charged up to go to copenhagen for a week. Must be really cold up there. Met mahya. He's getting married some time soon. Nilu was cool as usual... enjoying his life and getting teased about sleeping in the afternoons... :-) Jezz made a roaring entry... and late as usual :-). We asked him if he got his wallet along... We got a card for Adya... And wrote stuff on it with a 'slant' and indentation, to honour his notebook writing style during BCS days at M.D's math class...
Had a good time.

Then the next day we met again at yogesh's place. Had lots of bedekar misal and had kondalkar's mastani for dessert. It was good fun.

Hmmm.. boring wednesday afternoon. Just finished a set of checkins... 2 more to go on my plate..Don't feel like working today. Want to laze around in the afternoon sun, sipping a cup of coffee and some good music... n have a chat with shraddha.
dunno about a chance to do that soon..


AN said...

Welcome to the club dude.

atoolg said...

thanks dude.