On my way back from Boston, my flight got delayed by 2 hours. That translated into a missed connection to Mumbai. So they put me on a Swissair flight to Mumbai via Zurich. Zurich airport felt pretty small compared to Schipol, Amsterdam (b.t.w did i mention that the North-west flight to Boston really sucks big time ! You are stuck at Schipol for 8 hours flat and they don't give visa on arrival to Indians. There is so much to do in downtown Amsterdam you know...;-) At the end of it you start feeling like Tom Hanks in The Terminal...).
But I was in for a big surprise after we took of from Zurich. The Swiss Alps ! It was about 9:00 in the morning and the weather was perfect for giving the d50 a good exercise. Eventually, I clicked a lot of snaps during the rest of the flight.
The end result was this.